I Am Racist. (44)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-05 01:47 ID:1aUnS3Pp


I don't really mind uneducated whites or mexicans. Most Mexicans I met aren't really smelly either. Nor are most whites.

See, niggars are different. They just smoke weed and shot guns every other week. I happen to live in the projects where 95% of everyone here is black. They piss in the elevator. Not lying. They aren't educated and they are more likely to beat you up and steal from you. A uneducated white will more likely just ignore ya. A mexican will just steal the niggar's job, not that anyone cares...

Yea, you can say I don't really like stinky people in general, but who does?

But Muslims in general are stinky people. Most of em don't know what soap is. The most stinky white kid i've ever met, would be like Axe deodorant if he's next to a typical stinky Muslims. Come to think of it, I really hate the foreign student exchange programs because most of the kids we get are stinky Muslims.

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