Weed (9)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-06 13:04 ID:F7AUY7Zc

>>4 here.


> I would say that you're the only one being mature there... I've never smoke weed and I don't plan on even trying it and if anyone of my friends would say stuff about being too good for them, I would just tell them to screw themselves and look for friends elsewhere

You haven't tried cannabis - ok.
You don't plan to - ok.
All your friends do it - ok.
You'd tell your friends to go screw themselves if they tell you that it's good for them - what?

Why would you do this? How much of a friend are you? Presumably you'd tell them this because you think smoking is harmful, shouldn't you then, help them, instead of scorning them off?

I can't help but to ask these questions

1) Why don't you want to smoke?
2) Why do you scorn off a friend for doing it?


> ive tried weed, its not my thing.. i'll never smoke weed again

its weird how most of them, the ones who smoke, indeed act all weird and childish

Let us say, that most humans do this in general, so it can't be an argument against cannabis or those who smoke it. Something else to think of: you think most of those who smoke are childish, but have you ever though that is because the only ones that you find out that they smoke are the ones who act childishly, because that reveals it?

For instance, how would you find out that a 40 year old man does it, if he never speaks about it, and he does not let the drug control him at all when he's high? It is possible, mind you, to do this with Cannabis relatively easily, compared to other drugs. Since your examples are mostly childish people, your conclusions, which depend on the statistics taken out of these examples, rather than logic, are illogical and speak of an illusionary truth.

> you are the mature and cool guy in my book!

Why is OP mature and cool? I haven't figured out if he's mature yet, because I think there's not enough information regarding his character in his post. What did you find in his post that told you that he's mature?

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