Do you believe in love? (63)

21 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-14 02:01 ID:XGHzi2qd


> Unfortunately, I hate telling things to her that I want to do.

I have a feeling I'll just open another can of worms if I ask you about this story. All I will say is that you're gonna have to let her in on your life, and let her help you to stop her being worried about you.

> She can and the money problem, I'll get around to it.

Don't know how you're gonna do this when you're unemployed.
It'll be totally impressive if you found a part time job and got some money to fund yourself, but if that's out of the question, you're gonna have to depend on your mum.

> Seems you like care....

Yes I care. Real men should follow up their words with actions.
Dammit I hate people who are like "I'll do it soon.." "I'll get around to it.." "I feel like I should do something..." Do it NOW! I'm sick and tired of being surrounded by men who whinge more than me (a woman). Prove to me you aren't one of them.

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