Do you believe in love? (63)

22 Name: The_Boy_In_The_Sky/Sir_Sol/Red : 2009-06-14 05:24 ID:sGZm90T0

Hello Ryuuchi. I've dedicated my life, at the moment, to learning about love. What it means, what it implies, and how it works. I'm coming to the conclusion that I never needed to think about it.

I believe in love, mainly for the reasons that most people don't believe in it--it's irrational.

People say that love has no real definition because it's so complex, but I believe it does. On the contrary, I believe it's just too simple to describe with words.

Ask yourself one thing: when a complete stranger has the opportunity to do something for your benefit, how would you rationalize his actions? In other words, what if he had nothing to gain, but something to lose while doing something for you? I wouldn't know how to rationalize his behavior... I would just call it an act of love.

And keep in mind, that love isn't restricted between two attracted people, or family. The difference between love and all the other emotions is this: love is a choice, and emotions are not.

Plain and simple--love doesn't require "strong feelings", or "deep empathy", or any of that gibberish. It is just simple, and humble actions geared towards others. Whether the act is "the act of thinking of them", or "the act of caring about them", it's just love.

So generally speaking, I myself, am still developing what I think, but so far... this is what I believe.

Don't let logic and emotions solely rule your way of living. Stay balanced, open-minded, and open-hearted. Too much of anything is detrimental.

And a little quote for you to think about: "You let your balloon go, because it wants to fly high into the sky..."

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