Do you believe in love? (63)

26 Name: Ryuuchi : 2009-06-14 08:03 ID:UVXWl9vU


>I have faith that a loving woman will find you, and you will be happy enough to not even think about the existence of love. Until then, I hope you try to care for others, even just a little bit. x]

I thank for you that but it's no somethingt I'll be expecting. It's not what I have in mind.

Everyone is up for it, even you. If you believe in love then you are cut out for it. I don't anymore. I've given up on love perhaps. If you believe in love, you should try harder. Don't expect things in love.

Haha, I give out advice about love and I don't believe it. Sounds weird to me but hey, I know most of the aspects of love so don't get me wrong.

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