Do you believe in love? (63)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-10 15:14 ID:M/SdxjpU

Love is a label that humans, simple-minded as they are, attach to all sorts of feelings they have for other humans.

Love, and romantic notions in general, are, in the end, nothing more than delusions. Fantasy. People spend most of their lives looking to be acknowledged by someone, so much so that they compromise their own existence, bending and molding themselves into something they are not, all in order to be acknowledged by another half-person who has bended and molded themselves into something they are not. There is no happiness in deluding yourself. A shared delusion can be nice for a while, but it won't last. If you delude yourself into believing that "love" is anything more than a temporary base emotion caused by chemicals in your body, you'll wake up one day as an old man and wonder who you are. Transcend what you were born as. You don't have to turn your whole life into a mating ritual.

Learn to love yourself and realise that you don't need anyone else to acknowledge you. Live with your head held high and don't lose yourself to base feelings of lust and a need to be accepted. Be yourself. Disregard women. Acquire currency. Go see the world, on your own. You really don't need anyone as long as you realise that your opinion of yourself is all that matters. If someone wants to follow you on your journey, that's cool.

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