Do you believe in love? (63)

41 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-24 23:48 ID:aLP0m+Ia

I think you are looking at it wrong love isn't supposed to give you anything it's not something to have its only something to give you only recieve from other people's love saying you won't get anything from love is like saying no one has anything to give which means you don't trust people and trust is one of the most important aspects of the whole thing meaning yes you probably will not get anything from love with your current mind set. Love is from what I understand wanting what is best for the other person. You shouldn't get into relationships based on feelings and appearances even personalities alone but it should be more like you love them because you can help each other become better and become happier like how people say they complete each other and similarly how opposites attract. The person you love is like your other half or the mising part of you. Also lastly I believe love isn't something that happens you choose it based on like all decisions your past experiences. I can elaboate more but I feel dizzy and have a fever so this might not even make sense but I feel what I wrote is true and good luck with everything

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