Do you believe in love? (63)

53 Name: Mu : 2009-06-30 00:15 ID:hs9XNahC

>>51 Dude, can you talk to your mom? Aunt? Cousin? Sister? Those are women. Unless you have a family totally deprived of women, that proves you can talk to them. Whenever you talk to any other woman, just try to imagine them as being a relative of yours. That does NOT mean you should have... "strange" feelings towards your female relatives, it's just for you to get used to talking to the other gender. And believe me, women don't think so badly of you as yourself. If you have nice things to say, that should be fine. I can't garantee it will be as easy to get into a romantic relationship but, for starters, it should be ok, right?

Hope you can overcome your shyness. Because all you said scrams "I'm shy" to me. And that is not a bad thing.

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