☻☺So you're messed up. Simple Social Cues for the Dense☺☻ (5)

1 Name: Kant : 2009-07-29 05:39 ID:uZvC5sMw

You can see by some of the other floating threads, and the internet in general, that other people have problems like you. For most of you, it seems like others are being incredibly dense, because it comes natural to you. Well, fuck it, it's not like that for a lot of us. So here's a recap: you have problems getting what you want, with making friends. You're creepy, and half the people you know at least mildly dislike you off the bat.

Help me out here, making a list for all of our personal issues, on how to read Simple Social Cues for the Incredibly Dense. Spell it out.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-29 21:22 ID:m1+vIrP2

When someone yawns or has to prop up his head on his hand or looks at his watch/clock that means he is bored and wants to get going or wants you to go.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-30 00:05 ID:LdzoPdsY

If nobody is posting in your thread where you whine about every last thing you can think of, you probably don't have real problems and you should just stop posting.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-31 09:46 ID:c2VjYV8h

I lol'd.

Would love to help you out here, but I can't think of appropriate ones..

Perhaps tell us a situation in which your actions have caused an awkward silence or vibe, and you don't know what you did wrong?

5 Name: Kant : 2009-08-02 02:38 ID:4zojCFsq

>>4, sounds good. Too bad my mistakes seem blatantly clear in retrospect...

If nobody talks to you, perhaps it's because:
1) You don't really talk to anybody! Appearance and confidence aren't valid excuses; there are still good people out there.
2) You don't have conversation skills to be interesting. Talk to people more: simple questions, opinions. You may be thought odd, but at least in a different and more interesting way! Be casual, not desperate.
3) Heck, you could also be on a different level, which isn't always a good thing, but see 2). Everyone makes stupid mistakes, "so what" if you make a smart one. Do you want an arrogant void?

If you have a reputation of being a liar or jerk, it's probably because you lie or act like a jerk alot.

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