Going bald.. (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-03 07:47 ID:Lum9bV5p

Hi guys

I'm 26, male, and non-virgin although I haven't had sex with a girl since 2002. I've been in school and currently in graduate school to be a doctor.

It was my birthday yesterday and nobody really said happy birthday except for my immediate family, for which I am very grateful.

Anyway, I've noticed that the hair on the crown of my head is thinning. I think it's affecting my self image.

What should I do? What coping strategies are there?

Does going bald compromise attractiveness to the opposite sex?

I can't say I'm really depressed, but it doesn't feel very good. The mirror doesn't lie. When starting this graduate program I thought I would emerge onto the social scene and be a playboy with all the ladies like I used to be. Now I think I'd probably be writing academic papers and writing software alone at my computer. What can be done?

I'm thankful for so much, but nobody's perfect I guess. Please help me cope.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-03 13:56 ID:yLxW8OVZ

Man, I know how you feel. I've been concerned about my hair thinning since i was 20. I'm 23 now and so far it still looks good, but noticeably thinner. I guess I'll just have to get married before my hair really starts to disappear. Anyway, dont worry OP, your gaining of a fat doctor paycheck will compensate for your loosing of your hair. Women love money more than looks.

3 Name: mike : 2009-08-03 14:49 ID:Qte4oaRI

Rogaine works. Also good nutrition and enough sleep helps (not with male pattern baldness but it still matters.) When you start seeing skin you can dye your scalp, it's undetectable and very effective. If you are a big guy there is always the head shave option. You can't afford transplants till your in your 40s but they cut a strip of scalp from the side of your head and put the follicles on tip, it grows, gets greasy etc.

They have volumizing conditioner that helps and careful blow drying.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-04 21:53 ID:7eJkxyIZ

I decided that if I ever start balding I'd shave my head. Have you ever seen tried shaving you head bald? You might look good in that style.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-05 16:15 ID:sjm/4Wgl

I have this theory that regular shampooing accelerates hair loss. Not only does the shampoo clean your hair too well by robbing it of oils, but when you rub your hair all over with your hands, more of it goes down the shower drain. It's like using a pressure washer to water your lawn.
Naturally, there's no financial incentive for anyone to study this (it's more profitable to sell both shampoo and rogaine than nothing at all), but I'd bet my scalp on it.

I decided I'd only shampoo twice a month, max. Water cleans it well enough. As long as I keep my hair short, it's never 'greasy'.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-05 18:03 ID:yLxW8OVZ

If your gonna keep your hair that short then you may as well shave it all off. Even if your hair is just 1-2 inches long it will look like shit if you only shampoo every 2 weeks. I think I'd rather risk increasing my chances for baldness than sacrifice my personal hygiene.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-06 19:03 ID:sjm/4Wgl


Shampooing daily is not personal hygiene unless your every day demands sweaty labor or dragging your head through the mud.
My hair is clean, looks and feels good because water cleans hair effectively.
But by all means, enjoy your baldness.

8 Name: 7 : 2009-08-06 19:18 ID:sjm/4Wgl


Here you go... they're trying to sell you something here, but so is Proctor and Gamble.

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