First of all let me just say I love this board. I come here when I just don't know what to do and read up on other peoples situations that might be similar to mine. Great board.
Second of all. I'm a 29 year old male who is going into his second year of university. I know I'm doing the right thing by getting a degree, but I can't help but wonder if it's all worth it. I know this might be cleche, but after I graduate with my bachelors, I'm going to apply for the JET program to teach English in Japan. It's not that I don't want to go, I do, in fact I believe I need to go because I have a strong yearning to go there I don't know why I just have to. And that's the problem I don't know why I need to go over there. I've felt like an outsider where I live all my life like something wasn't right, and I think it made me a little more jaded than I want to be. Deep down for whatever reason I believe that going to Japan will help me find who I am. And this road is a difficult one not easy at all. I guess what I'm trying to ask is has anyone felt the same way, and if you have, has leaving your "home" town helped?
I know how it feels. I always feel like that here and there. I have been to Japan, and every time I go, I feel like I belong, not just because I have much interest there, but in my "home" town, I do feel stricken by distraught. However, when I go to Japan, I feel at ease and happy. I can agree, the road you are on is somewhat of a difficult one, but you'll pass through in time. When I wanted to go Japan before I actually went, I did have a "feeling" to go there. When I did, I actually found out that I had a family member there and even met a special someone! So I think you shouldn't have any doubt and do what you want to!
Sorry for double post, haha. I must say something to avoid any confusion. When I said, "every time I go", I must mention that I have been there about two times, all in this year. The first was in Spring, and recently in summer. So this year was my first time going there, haha! Sorry again!