I have no friends....bluntness yay. (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-27 00:57 ID:suu1s32X

Alright. I'm a junior in high school, with absolutely no friends. I don't really know why, either. I do try to talk to people, but I can't make friends with them. It really only started getting to me now, too...in the middle of lunch today, I looked around, saw a sea of people eating with friends, laughing, having fun, living a typical high school life, but I'm all alone.

So! Any tips on making friends? I'm in a pretty small school - there are 100 people in my grade. Is it too late? Everyone's pretty much already in cliques from what I've observed (without friends, I have a lot of time to observe...) Anyways, I can't really interact with people all that well either, I think, so any tips? I did look through this board already, and I already tried talking to people in my class and stuff, but no results - the convos die after a few minutes. Yeah.

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