1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-04 12:39 ID:Gm1JPm2c

Hi all,

I'm in college atm and living in a dorm.

It's Friday night and I'm was waiting for a friend to come drive me back from campus.

While waiting I decided to have some fun and pinch the underwear of one of the girls living on the same dorm.

I made my move and flew like the wind back to my room.

That was maybe 40 minutes ago.

Then some time later I received a text from an acquaintance from another block asking if my room number was XXXX...

I suspect it might have something to do with my little adventure...perhaps someone saw me or something. but this guy who texted me isn't living on the same block so it might be something totally unrelated.

At the moment I haven't replied to the text. Any advice on what I should do? In case I really have to cover my ass...


2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-04 17:40 ID:p0vQUBvZ

Well, ask who the guy is, and his phone number. You just don't give your address to strangers, irrespective of your little adventure.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-04 20:00 ID:AxxUJ9vw

All you did was steal some panties. What's the worst that can happen? Oh wait, you are American, you could get labeled as a sex offender forever.

I'd say stay silent for a while, just in case.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-05 17:11 ID:ZIcwE4xe


  1. go out and buy an identical pair of panties
  2. toss them in a bin
  3. keep the receipt, change the date with matching ink to a week ago
  4. ???
  5. Profit!

5 Name: FellowTorontonian : 2009-09-08 01:35 ID:Bo1s0OhU


You Sir are Diabolical!

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