Ever been tied up against your will or tie someone else against theirs? (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-21 12:42 ID:QEsGLSUM

Has anyone ever been tied up against their will, by someone you knew or kidnapped or other circumstances? Or vice versa?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-10-28 17:04 ID:6NjDupxA

Psh, I wish.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-10-28 22:40 ID:iINWRyiV

Once. It was a surprise birthday party, but this guy wouldn't come to the place where the party was held (He was playing a MMORPG). We arrived with the guy still tied. Most ackward "Happy birthday!" ever.

4 Name: W-roar man : 2009-10-31 02:54 ID:S5wav/B4

ya, they did it to me as a prank
it was to the tether pole.
so when my jerk/friend was close enough, I nailed his groin with my shoe.
he fell over and they untied me.
I was laughing hysterically.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-10-31 20:19 ID:Heaven


We can make it happen, you know. >:D

On topic: Tied someone up, but never against their will.

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