seriously dont know if this is against the rules or not but anyway (32)

17 Name: Refridgerator : 2009-09-29 09:51 ID:Xiobd828

>>16 "I'm pretty heavily depressed -so- it's like I'm ever going to feel any of the good things listed ever."

You state that because of depression you will never feel good things. In addition you are in a "tough university program." By the fact that your situation is definitely impermanent, I hardly consider you a valid source for predicting whether 'good things' will ever be felt. Not that you are surely wrong, however.

I have lived through the muck of the world and have nothing of value (same reasons, OP, I feel you), yet why do I persist? Others have answered this question with ideals; strong wills gravitate to ideals for life, using love and hate. Subjective, this thought of something to create, destroy or protect. In the past my answer was fear of the unknown or curiousity (spread nearly equal between life and death mind you).

Answer these before you choose to die (there must be a simpler set, but I can't see it in my depravity):
a-Does a sense of honor advise or prohibit this act? Is honor a farce?
b-Are there any sensations that give you repreive? Worth living or dying for? No one or thing you will care about damaging? Suicide makes those who knew you or were affected more likely to suicide themselves (that MAY be a plus for you, OP).
c-Is there another escape that gambles less? Escape from a home is easier than you think, but you must convince (read if you will: manipulate) others to GET YOU OUT. Some really do care for all, and will fight for you no matter your flaws. Something seen as attempted suicide (even cutting) really is "cry for help," isn't it? (The last there is rhetorical.)
d-To rephrase the last: Do you know what death brings? Is it worse? Some DO deserve death, I say. Are YOU any more or less 'deserving' of life/death than others?
e-Is the phrase "this too shall pass" aplicable?

Suicide. What we experience is through faulty perception of the objective (it almost certainly exists), so we do not know anything for certain but that we experience. Sensation IS the only thing you know is real, and you are trying to end it. Fine, you make your own choice. I never said why I yet live, so here: for now I live by a fluke, a living dream or nightmare. It doesn't exist, yet I live for it. True insanity is this. Suffering is less real than the dream for now, but it wasn't and may not be always. I think I will die trying to live.

Men are more successful in attempted suicide than women, mainly because of more violent methods. I suggest that if any part of you that you value doesn't want to die, get help, even avert suicide as a sign. If you are serious, be certain you will perish--no reason to risk failure if you are sure (also tell us beforehand please, I'd appreciate the knowledge). Your assumptions on life, like all of ours, are probably wrong somewhere. None of us really knows, OP. I'm good at getting people to hate me, but, yes, this may be as wrong as you are.

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