Hairy women (10)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-09 00:39 ID:Hpr4p6yT


I think the term oppression is a little harsh for this situation, but I won't argue there is a lot of pressure on women to look like supermodels.
But this whole idea idealized body image thing hasn't been thought up by men , the 'opression' of a natural body comes more from manufacturers of razor blades, deodorants, shampoos, perfumes, concealers, lipsticks, tanning beds, fad diets, etc and the marketers who make you feel bad about yourself if you don't buy their brands.
(And men are being targeted by this increasingly)
If you wanted to change things, you'd have to get people to stop buying this stuff. The unexpected catch is you'd probably be ridiculed as much by women as by men.

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