Money Issues, Request Advice (4)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-04 19:36 ID:GtB1xzSO

Did you continually call your bank to see what's up? My friend was in a similar situation as you, but the moment that the bank said that they would transfer the money back, he would call them everyday just to check up on the status of the transfer. Something like this usually requires persistent nagging on your part to every party just for something to get done, or at least, that's what my friend said.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-07 15:57 ID:/IoubcNK

It's true. Any service industry will tell you that only by complaining can you make any difference. If you're not getting the response you need, ask to speak with a supervisor. And if that doesn't help, ask for their manager. Keep it up until you get someone that will take action because they genuinely care or will refund the cash just to get rid of you.

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