Feeling a bit down lately... (11)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-20 08:52 ID:7iupXd+F

OP here again, thanks for all the responses, people.

Yes, the sensitive ideal mainly revolves around that fact that I don't believe in Christianity, and I like other girls. Being raised in a strict Christian family, it's been nothing but hiding and shame that I've disappointed my parents. I don't feel that I'm a bad person, because there's nothing wrong with loving someone, but I can't help but feel as though I've let my parents down. It doesn't help that whenever my parents hear stories on the news about how laws are passing to allow gays to marry that they start talking about how disgusting people like me are.

>>8 I feel the same thing about the respect thing, and that's really my issue I guess.

>>9 I hope it goes better for you, and I'll hope for the best. It is definitely unfortunate that parents disown their kids if they're like that, even if it's not kicking them out in the street, being cold is very harmful also. I'm a very different disposition than my sisters, while they like to go out with a lot of friends, I'm okay with staying home and reading, and my parents don't like that.

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