Stuck in a Rut (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-04 04:04 ID:wq3XuDTn

Lately I've felt like my life has hit a wall and nothing will change. I want to become a successful musician but I can't seem to get my ass in gear. I'm a 23 year old male, recently graduated from college. I suffer from clinical depression and have been taking medication for it since I was 18. I've also been seeing a therapist for about the same amount of time.

Over the past few years I definitely feel like I've changed for the better and have gained a lot of self-confidence. The thing is though I started out with absolutely none, so to get to this point has been a huge struggle. And now I feel like I've hit a plateau and am no longer able to change. As the years have gone by I've slowly become less ambitious, and I feel like I'm just getting by. Academically I did very well in high school but when I got to college I found myself falling behind and later becoming completely dissatisfied with my field of study, and now I've graduated with barely any prospects for the future. There are things I know I'd like to do but I can't get myself to work towards making them a reality. Every time I attempt to make progress I end up thinking that what I'm doing is no good and that I'll never truly accomplish anything.

As I said before, with the help of medication and my therapist I've really grown, but now I feel like neither of these things are helping. And I want to be able to look to myself to overcome my problems with fear and anxiety but they're such an ingrained part of my thought processes that I just can't seem to break free.

I know there's a vibrant, intelligent, outgoing person somewhere inside me, but it feels so buried underneath years of self-deprecation and disappointment with myself that it seems like I'll never become that person, and I'll never achieve what I want in life.

Has anyone else dealt with something similar? Should I change my medication and my therapist? Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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