Stuck in a Rut (9)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-13 22:32 ID:wq3XuDTn


After reading your response I realized that I am in fact letting depression and anxiety own me. It's corny but I was watching this TV show and one of the characters told another, "you're only happy when you're suffering," and that's exactly how I feel.

I'm going to follow your advice and find a project that I can focus on. I suppose it should be working on my music, but it feels like that's more than I can handle at the moment. Hopefully I can work my way towards feeling able to tackle it.


I had to think about your question for a little while and figure out what it really meant to be "excited."

But after thinking about it I realized that what excites me more than anything else are cities. I love absolutely everything about them, and sometimes they're the only thing that makes me feel like life makes sense. When I was younger I used to go for walks through the city that lasted for hours just looking at and listening to everything around me. I really ought to start doing that again.

Thank you all for your advice. I really feel like I'm starting to regain some focus in my life.

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