weird itch (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-06 05:07 ID:9g24fxUf

hey guys,

When someone eats something spicy, they get all kinds of different

Some start to sweat, other start to get a runny nose, etc.

For me whenever i eat anything that is even bit in the tiniest
bit spicy, i start to scratch my head.

Not like its a bad thing, but mixed that in with a bit of dandruff
and KABOOM you've ruined everyone's appetite including your own.

your thoughts?

2 Name: Darkaura : 2009-12-06 06:40 ID:S4cstW0C

Well try head and shoulders for dandruff, if that doesn't cure it there is medication you can take, go see your doctor.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-06 14:07 ID:1J5YYmrz

Could be an allergic reaction. Maybe try taking an antihistamine beforehand? And like 2 said, there are definitely ways to control the dandruff.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-07 05:32 ID:9g24fxUf

OP here,

well its not like i have massive dandruff, and most of the time it doesnt even show up.

its just that itching your head while eating is kinda ,for lack of a better word, disgusting.

>>3 antihistamine i have no idea what that is.

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