So who here has been on meds? (30)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-24 00:01 ID:DhtATLzU

I've been on Ritalin, Seroquel, Abilify, a handful of benzos and just about every SSRI/SRNI there is.

Life story summarized: Shy, quiet all my life. When I was about 9, 10 I would threaten to kill myself for various reasons. I ended up going to a psychiatrist, and initially was diagnosed with ADHD. Later on, that turned into depression and social anxiety disorder.

Eventually, I recalled repressed memories of sexual abuse, and that triggered a psychotic depressive episode, lasting about a year. I ended up being kicked out of high school for poor attendance as a result of these problems, and I spent the next 6 years - without exaggeration - virtually alone, if you do not include my family. Every day was spent without friends, in my house doing whatever I could pass the time with. By this time I was about 17. This is around when I got into drugs.

From 17 onward, I got heavily into drugs (marijuana, opiates, hallucinogens, stimulants). I ended up suffering from hallucinations and was diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia, and put on anti-psychotics. I spent some time in and out of psychiatric hospitals, being put through bullshit treatments. Eventually I gave up on all of it, stopped my medication and simply got a job. I saved up a ton of money - since I didn't have many expenses.

After that, I decided on impulse to travel to India and spent 6 months travelling there. That was pretty cool and turned my life right around. When I got back, I enrolled in school and graduated with a Bachelor of Journalism. Now, I wouldn't say I have any problems, since I finally found balance. In the end, I'd have to say after all that, medication did more harm to my conditions than good.

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