So who here has been on meds? (30)

24 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-06 09:59 ID:zznr6mdR

I think I need some. But you don't just go to the doctor and tell him you think you're depressed/mentally ill. That just sounds like a bad, dubious attempt at abusing health care (Ontario, Canada here). But a referral is required to see specialists, psychiatrists included.

My doctor's receptionist is good friends with my family. My family thinks this is all bullshit, so I don't want them to know and add it to their arsenal to attack me. The catch is, it's the receptionist's responsibility to make appointments with the specialists, so she would immediately find out and tell. I also don't have the choice of switching family doctors unless I'm lucky enough to find one who accepts new patients within an hour drive./yet another reminder of how lonely a battle life is

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