So who here has been on meds? (30)

7 Name: Mush : 2009-12-17 18:20 ID:6jHAl4oy

Anything really. Being a gamer, I have a good shot at hiring to a game store. I'm trying everywhere though. I spend most of my time on projects though, writing, drawing. One of my editors for writing (one of very few true friends) told me to just focus on that, but I don't have that kind of reckless faith in myself. It keeps me sane in an absurd world. If I didn't spend my energy somehow, living here would just be solitary and daydreams.

Still, yes, things will get better, even if I needed meds to start the journey. I'm more than a statistic, and even if it was hopeless I'd be trying anyway. Living is striving, when you stop trying you're dead. We're not on this channel to pity, but to say how far we've gone and how far we can go.

Back on topic, how much of your getting better do you attribute to drugs and how much to other things?

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