So, I've given advice, but I don't know if I can't take my own advice or what but I'm asking for help. I know everyone is tired of pity parties that are thrown here, so I'll try not to have one. I just need a hug and to be told that everything will be alright. Maybe with that I'll have some decent sleep. Need some encouraging words for all the basic stuff, i.e. feeling alone, not acomplishing anything, bored, and you get the picture. Like I said I helped, now I'm asking.
Get some sleep, and tomorrow just go outside and chill in nature for a bit. Get in touch with your inner Romantic (I mean Emerson-flavored, not /love/), it should do you some good.
Try to see the world the way a child would- in a simplistic, idealistic way. Don't ever lose that ability.
Just remember, sometimes the universe decides to mess with you for shits and giggles, and you need to be able to laugh at yourself too.
Everything will work itself out in the end.
Hope this helped, OP.
Darkuara, just remember that whatever your going though right now will pass in time. You can achieve whatever you truly set your mind to, and if you try, and keep trying, you'll find something worthwhile.
Don't quit because life handed you shit instead of lemons. The shit in the scheme of things makes you stronger anyways. Chill out, get something really good to eat, rest and relax, maybe even cry a little, and get back in it. you can do it bro. I believe in you.
go out and do something crazy like climb a mountian or go to a metal concert or something exciting you'll feel better then sometimes just sitting around can make you unhappy even if nothing is wrong I'd give you a hug but I'm not very good at it it's just not my thing.
thank you everyone, it has helped, I got my butt off the couch and the computer to get some fresh air. Thanks everyone again, and I'll try to continue giving advice when I can.