Hi guys. I've been finding myself often having trouble reading lately. By this I mean I'll often mess up simple words when reading a sentence, or completely train-wrecking when speaking. It's not tourettes or anything like that. Nor am I "stupid"; I have a degree in Asian history and journalism. But I keep finding myself speaking to people then end up unable to form a word and then I, simply put, make an ass out of myself (and sound pretty stupid in the end). On top of that I notice myself often unable to read a word. I can be reading a book, and come across words that I do know and understand but for some reason end up unable to pronounce. It started very recently, within the past few months. I've not gone to a doctor because I wouldn't know what to say. "Hi Doc, I think my brain is shrinking, what can you do?"
So yeah, does anybody here "suffer" from anything like this? Or know why it might happen this late into life (I'm 23)? I do remember as a kid we were skateboarding and I fell onto the road, and my head smashed into the cement without a helmet. But at the time nothing happened and I did receive some MRI tests afterwards and they never brought anything up. Could it possibly just be anxiety? I had social phobia as a kid but I wouldn't say I have it anymore.
It really pisses me off lately, since I'm getting older. I work as a camera operator/journalist for the CBC News, and while I'm not on camera or anything I sometimes am tasked with creating news segments and sometimes have to narrate sequences.
Well if anybody has ideas or ways to deal with stuff like this please let me know! :)
>I've not gone to a doctor because I wouldn't know what to say. "Hi Doc, I think my brain is shrinking, what can you do?"
How about telling them what you told us?
It could well be a lot of things, its important to rule out more serious potential causes, like having had a minor stroke or similar.
/not a doctor go see one.
>minor stroke or similar.
This was my thought as well.
If brain function starts getting weird, like you're experiencing OP, it could be a serious problem.
Actually, I guess, if it's a problem with the brain, it is a serious problem. So I strongly recommend you see a doctor about this.
I agree. To start having problems with speech and comprehending sentences at this age is quite a serious issue.
Get your ass off and see a GP ASAP before it gets any worse.