Is there something wrong nowdays about having a big vocab?! (16)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-09 14:01 ID:6a9418fN

Well, I love all the "big words" I know, and I don't intend to stop using them, but I have to say, once your vocabulary have significantly expanded, there's really not a way to just /stop/.

"Not using" those kinds of words is not so simple. It's like un-learning how to tie your shoes.

That being said, I tend to apologize and rephrase when I say something a little out there, but in my particular conversation groups, it's seen as quite a laugh to speak "gentlemanly".

My best friend doesn't understand half the things I say, but he always listens with interest when I explain them to him.

Honestly, using "small words" is like wading drudgingly, immersed in molasses.

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