What is the best way to get past writers block? (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-15 00:49 ID:wAMfjPot

I've been trying to write an assignment for over an hour now, and all I can see is the blank screen of death, the ever foreboding stare of a blank word document.

I'm supposed to write a personal narrative about "A new beginning". But I'm falling short of <i>any</i> ideas whatsoever.

So, any advice?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-15 17:37 ID:H1RM2sCe

From a thread on in Literature:

>Describe things, and come up with ideas about the things around you- coffee makers, trees, tv, people, whatever- and write them down.

>Think harder.

3 Name: : 2010-01-15 18:16 ID:pX1hXCNM

I've taken a habit of writing when I feel like it. Usually my ideas come in short flashes which I write down and, yeah right, will eventually write clean as a complete story.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-16 04:30 ID:PZh3McP7


5 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-16 15:16 ID:esx4NPwa

The best way to get past writers block is to read more when you don't write (read more books).

6 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-23 10:50 ID:QxNz/G6S

ritalin, adderal.....

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