is this site dead? it seems there are practically no new threads recently. shit threads.
thank god for /b/
except its full of cancer and shit
How you can compare this site to /b/ is beyond me, but yeah it's pretty dead. Heck, 4chan's text boards are faster.
Text BBS boards just aren't popular in the West anymore, so most of them tend to die.
It's too bad, I really like this board, but it's pretty pointless to visit more than once every few days. I wish there was a way to bring more traffic into this site, maybe we should make banners or something like that.
i remember like maybe a year ago threads would come and go so quickly now you have to wait days for a reply.
officially dead
sux shit
Popularity can be a double edged sword; it's quality vs. quantity. I'd rather have the site the way it is, then with thousands of newfags.
I personally like it the way it is, and I like the community here a great deal. If you don't like, don't come here.
its been this way for way over a year. and it never matched the frenetic pace of 4chan, even compared to the 'slow' boards over there.
basically you can either have a never ending stream of shit from /b/, or a slow drip of shit from here. you cant find quality in either place.