the future looks bleak... (4)

1 Name: zou : 2010-02-24 02:32 ID:TWiSkDRR

Hi I really need some good advice. I'm 18 years old. Ever since I was 14 I've been working, moving from one place to another. But now times are getting even tougher than before, and I can't seem to find work anywhere. I'm going to be going to college soon and I don't know how my mother will be able to pay for school for both me and my other siblings. I want to get a summer job, but I can't find one no matter how hard I search. I'm really stressing about the future and I have no idea what will happen. There are also things I want to do in my last summer at home. What can I do?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-24 03:56 ID:2zQuEwfB

I'm in the same position, minus any relevant experience. I'm nearly nineteen and basically at a loss to get hired. Times are tough and I find myself gearing up to get into the military for lack of a single career path. I study constantly at home, which is basically a house sitting gig for a relative who hasn't moved over here yet. If you have references, which I don't (and is part of my problem), I suggest a year of Americorps VISTA or volunteering.

3 Name: : 2010-02-26 14:05 ID:w2+I/0by

Well, shortly put, life sucks. People have visions of how their lives should go and when they realize that they haven't exactly been able to be crowned the next king of the world, they get frustrated. And when they get frustrated, it can lead to self-loathing or into mass murder. I took the first option, so I spent the next ten years hating my life untill reasently I finally admitted to myself that 'in the end, nothing actually matters'. Not much of a guideline for people who still have faith and hope for the future, but it did ease the constant feel of doom for me.

This is the second time as long-term unemployed. Last time I had work was three years ago. So I leech all the support I can get from the nation just to keep milk and cookies running. I've accepted that it's highly likely that I ain't going to get a job ever again and re-education isn't a real option either [university graduates work as part time employees at gas stations, great]. Reasently I figured out that there's no point in offing myself either, since we're all going to die anyway and dead men don't write stupid things on the nets either. Oh, and there's always the chance to win big at the lottery.. or to see the end of the world.

Anyway, what I ment with this rambling is that sometimes there is nothing you can do to improve things. Getting a job nowadays is basically based on luck just like anything else seems to be. I might suggest that people should take a time out and think whether they can keep chasing the dragon or accepting that they will be losers like the rest of us and end up with a tombstone saying: I died long before this. But hey - there's always super lotto!

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-27 06:21 ID:YOx15wMn

I'm sorry to hear that your life turned out so unsatisfying, but teaching OP to resign at the young age of 18 is pathetic. If everyone was like you in this world, humans would have probably died a long time ago.

OP, I don't know what it's like where you live, but shouldn't you have some kind of grant or student loan given by the government, which you pay off once you graduate? See if you can get some information from student counselors or youth services in your area. Keep trying to find a job. Recently one of my friends had sent his resume out to 17 different companies for a summer holiday position. I'll say he definitely had the right attitude. Cast out a big net, and you're bound to catch something.

Lastly, I know how you feel about the future looking uncertain. It was only a couple of years ago, where I was in a similar position. Go with the flow and take each step at a time. Everything eventually falls in to place. Remember that you're still young, don't try to burden yourself with too much responsibility, so take time out to enjoy your holidays.

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