No community left (21)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-22 16:51 ID:ZvqUd5Sd

I've seen a fair number of people come up with the idea of making a hikki board. Most fail in an early stage, because it seems that hikkis generally don't have the energy to see things through until it (in this case, creating and maintaining a website) is finished. Even if it is successful, I'd be surprised if a much better community develops than those in the past. Such a board will attract the same people as on other boards anyway. There are two problems:

  • real hikkis don't really have all that much to say to each other, because many are shy and simply have such boring lives that there isn't anything to talk about. Many just lurk without contributing, especially when such a board isn't anonymous.
  • these boards attract all sorts of people, many of them overly emotional, misanthropic, bitter or angry. That's not even mentioning the trolls these boards attract, or those that think pretending to be a hikki is cool.
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