I need help. Unlike most people here I work part-time and constantly meet new people, like most people here I am socially retarded and shy to leave my safe zones.
Two months ago, to my surprise, I landed a job at a retail store. It was practically the only place inquired about work, after an ultimatum from my parents, and I was asked to return for an interview.
I got the job and was really quite happy with myself. The people there are nice and friendly, but I still find it difficult to grasp and make jokes.
Next week is the annual staff party, its a dinner and a few drinks after. My problem is I have no idea what to do, I'm going, but I have no idea how to conduct myself. I never drink and going out is something I've never done before.
Does anyone have any advice for me or experiences they can share?
Oh, and I don't know what to wear.
Wear something casual but classy. So not jeans + t-shirt, but not a suit either. A dark colored dress shirt (maybe with some striped color, leave one or two buttons at your neck open) + dark pants with belt, just keep it simple.
If you normally don't drink, just order one beer every 1.5 hour at most. People drink alcohol for a reason, because many people are slightly nervous at such a party. One beer (or wine, depending on how classy the restaurant is) at the start will help you feel at easy.
Don't make forced jokes. Just laugh at theirs, even if they aren't that funny. You can however think of a few things / questions to talk about to your (table) neighbors beforehand. Innocent stuff: talk about work, their taste of music, what they think of the food, what movies they've watched recently.
You are new, nobody will be expecting you to be the center of the party, but try to socialize with at least a bunch of people.
I think this is pretty solid advice.
Another thing to keep in mind is that people are probably not going to pay much attention to you anyway, so don't think everyone is thinking about you and expecting you to really WOW them all of a sudden. Consider yourself insignificant in your co-workers minds, and don't try to make any forced moves to seem extroverted. Introverted people trying to pretend to be extroverted socialites all of a sudden usually ends up quite badly (source: personal experience). Just take it slow, and ease into the process of casual chatting. Be sure to smile and laugh (when appropriate). People like a show of emotion, they will either think you are boring or they will be nervous around you if you are dead pan all the time (which is a common down fall of introverted types in active social gatherings). Do not mumble.