Shutin boredom (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-13 01:13 ID:1uvklC3h

I been a shut-in/hikikomori for over two years now, and since I'm growing tired of my latest MMO, it's becoming boring again. All I really do is play games/MMO and watch stuff that I have in the past; I never try anything new and just do the same things all the time. I've grown completely disconnect with any online community I was apart of (mainly from them becoming far too "normal"/"casual" and me losing all interests in the subject matters). I know that I could be better spending my time in trying to get out and better or at least enrich myself, but I have no desire to, nor do I want to.

It'd be nice to have SOMETHING to do, even if it's just another timesink.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-13 13:15 ID:plQbNCMH

Make music, learn to draw, create games (either by learning how to code or by using some kind of editor of an established game)... something like that? If I had time I'd learn how to make games for android and try to sell those for one buck a piece. If you create something popular you might actually earn some money.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-14 03:24 ID:Y+MPfGd9

Consider taking walks at night, you probably won't encounter m/any people.

You could pick up a hobby like stargazing or something?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-14 03:42 ID:duEy9OII

5 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-14 04:19 ID:1uvklC3h

I always hated that place, mainly because it all the same stuff plus most things there seem so forced, "childish" or fake.

Being on anonib really takes away any "credit" the place could have and I feel I don't belong there.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-14 06:16 ID:jBRlLuL4

Get into fighting games. They're deep, exciting, and damn fun, no matter how much you play 'em. The learning curve is a bit intimidating at first, but once you begin to get it, it becomes a blast. You can find people to play online at GGPO and 2DF/Supercade.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-14 06:25 ID:1uvklC3h

I never liked fighting games; I'm too slow for them, dislike the culture, and just find them boring in general; only fighter I was somewhat interested as a child was Killer Instinct.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-14 12:44 ID:duEy9OII


It's actually not a bad place. Yeah, AnonIB sucks but this board is well hidden away from the main mess of porn and other crap. It hardly gets any traffic at all anymore, compared to a year ago. Zero trolls, which says something about the one mod (then again he is a hiki). It's not like that HikiCulture board where its just a pissing contest to see who is the biggest, fattest, most autistic hiki there is, they have some okay discussions there.

Anyway...I've been a hiki for about 6 years now, after getting kicked out of school. If you're already out of stuff to do, it'll only get worse. Soon you'll be sleeping 20 hours a day.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-15 15:39 ID:Heaven


Actually, there has not been much need for moderation on that board at all after those early trolls got banned. And I think it's as good as a hikki board is going to get. Not that this makes it a good board or anything.

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