Underdog for my entire life (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-09 15:31 ID:Ow/cFQXZ

I have been the underdog and the bullied one my entire life. Here's my recollection of how it has gone so far:
kindergarten - my first memory of life is how a much bigger kid than me is beating me with a wooden block.
1st-9th grade - the usual works, from straight up beating to spitting/pissing on clothes, thrashing/burning my books
high school - still some occasional bullying, but mostly just ignored. I wasn't accepted by any social groups and the few acquaintances (neighbours) I had started drifting off too.
university - no contact outside school and work with anyone besides my roommate, not accepted by any groups. It felt like I was totally useless.
military (compulsory duty) - and the same goes on. Well, of course no physical stuff, but the mental stuff can get pretty bad too, especially with the structure of the military.

I still have a faint glimmer of hope, but I have lost all belief in the world. Throughout school, all the time my parents and teachers told me, 'Don't worry, when you get to university, it will all get much better.' That's what I studied for and didn't kill myself - I had a goal. It turned out that the goal was meaningless, I didn't really find any peers and I was still shunned.

This autumn I'll be starting in a community college (no job, no university). At least before I felt motivated during the summer before. But now I know that it will all be the same. If I had enough online poker skills to get minimum wage, I would just play poker and some MMORPGs. Fuck life, fuck people, fuck it all, I'm just tired of it all.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-09 20:42 ID:+Jj6RRCz

What country do you come from?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-10 05:11 ID:xfLLdfWy

You need to unlearn the kinds of behaviours you engage in that predispose you to bullying and social exclusion. You need to give yourself a chance to learn the things you weren't able to through your childhood and teen years. There really is no short-cut when it comes to learning social skills, it means going out and interacting with other people.

If you live in a big place this is easier but..
-make conversation with people while waiting for bus/train etc say ask for the time or chat about the weather
-go into stores and ask whether they have X thing in stock, -chat with the hair dresser when they do your hair.
As you improve you will find it easier to talk with people in general, you will learn some basic 'social scripts' that everyone uses to get by with social interactions.

Practice as much as you can before you go to community college to give yourself the best start you can. You have to expect some minor embarrassment and nerves while you practice improving yourself, but in order to improve it is necessary to forget and keep trying.

My general advice is to basically pick someone who manages to get by socially and try to emulate their behaviour (within reason). Watch how others engage in small talk and follow their lead, watch their general interactions and most of all be interested in what people have to say.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-16 14:24 ID:tJnzymZi

I don't know if this will work, you could join an anime club at school. Anime fans tend to more accepting of people. NOT THE ANIME FANS ON THE INTERNET, but the ones in real life. People in the anime club will also have other interests that may be the same as the ones you have. The same applies to heavy metal fans. True heavy metal fans are very open and accepting. Artists are also very open and easy going. Basically find people who are out casts and are nice. Why? Because they'll be able to understand what you are feeling to a certain extent.

I may be completely wrong because I have my own issues with human interaction.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-23 01:53 ID:YyloLAFB

I wonder how things went for him/her? He/She never responded again.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-24 20:59 ID:Ow/cFQXZ

From Eastern Europe.

That kind of stuff is easy. I don't have problems with basic social interaction, like asking the time etc, but with higher level stuff, like making friends and romantic stuff.

Had an anime club at the university. I didn't belong to it, but took part in some of the events. They were actually more accepting of me on the Internet than in real life, haha. Around here metalheads are a very in crowd in their own sense and a casual guy like me won't be able to neither talk their talk nor walk their walk.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-25 02:19 ID:PUI+hGNI

>>4 here

Sorry, I listed groups of people who are accepting in the US. I always thought that people are generally the same every where. I guess I was wrong. The goal is to hang out with people who are accepting of others.

If you want friendship, then you have to be a friend. Don't wait for others to initiate the process. Find people you like and ARE NICE (Jackasses never make good friends) and then initiate the process to become friends. Hang out with them, help them, and talk to them. Friendship and love are a two-way thing.

I had slightly similar problem making friends. I realized that I was trying to be friends with people who didn't want me around and started hanging out with people who where willing to tolerate me, and I acted like there friends. If they acted like a friend back then that sealed the deal. If not, then that ment we weren't friends. I still don't understand exactly how to make friends. Thus far I've just been trying random stuff.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-25 03:27 ID:PUI+hGNI

Yeah Anime fans are not accepting. They're accepting as long as you act and feel like them.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-25 05:46 ID:XvBmc8jq

Wow OP, read your post and thought it could have been me who posted it. My social life has been similar to yours, a few variations, but the effects are the same. I've got 0 friends in real life, I really only feel comfortable with 1 person at a time or immediate family, and I've become a bit of a shut-in. I've thought about things the same way you have, until recently.

You are the way you are, because people are often assholes. You were disrespected, so as a result you have no desire to be with people(follow this path and you'll be sad and lonely, like you are right now). So, this was DONE to you, and it is not YOUR fault.


Now I'm going to try and make an analogy, bear with me:

Some asshole walks behind me and pulls my pants down. What's the first thing I do? You'd think I'd pull my pants up, of course. What those assholes have done to me my whole life is like pulling my pants down. Coming to terms with all of that shit has kept me busy and I forget my pants are still down. So I'm walking down the street with my pants down, and it's pretty embarrassing. Who do I have to blame for my embarrassment? Is it the asshole who pulled my pants down? Or is it me, for not pulling my pants up? Assholes will be assholes, there will always be some fucker who will get a kick out of pulling your pants down. But if you sit there and don't change anything about yourself to make it stop, then that is the first problem you must tackle!


Pull your pants back up! Improve yourself, make yourself into a person you would like. I'm still pulling my pants back up, it's a slow process, and it takes a lot of effort. It's slow going when you've got no motivation, I know! It can be discouraging and frustrating sometimes, and very much so. But I can't think of myself as the 'underdog' anymore if I want to be a happy with my life. I've got to respect myself, take myself seriously, CARE about myself, trust my own judgment. I need to do these things for myself first, before expecting anybody else to.

I don't want to assume we're in the exact same situation here, and tell you what will work for you. But maybe you should try thinking of it this way, and maybe it will work for you. Hell, I'm still at the beginning of this process, and so far I haven't gotten much out of it. But I see it as my last option. I really do hope that it applies to your situation.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-30 03:54 ID:nQAZKw5h


I hear you. I never got spit on or anything like that, but I was constantly bullied from about second grade until I was a Junior in high school (I am in the US).

As a result, I never dated in high school or college and I never had sex for the first time until I was 27, and it was with a stripper. I remember asking women out in college and getting laughed at. Just painful.

I no longer live where I was born and I never will again. I now live about 1500 miles away and my own family wants very little to do with me because I left. I have two brothers I have not spoken two in almost 6+ years.

I am married now, with a kid and I plan to make sure the same shit doesn't happen to my kid as happened to me. Although I am married, it is distant right now and I not really sure if it will last much longer. I literally have no where to go if we separate and she has the good credit, although I have income. I do not even own a car.

I consider looking for a FWB but I quickly realized women are still in the rejection mode for me. I am short and I have a small penis. I'll never remarry if I get divorced since no other woman will want me. I thought I had a chance with one but turns out, she was married and was just flirting and likes to lead guys on for fun. I haven't talk to the bitch in over a year.

Anyway, all I can say is find a way to get rich and lay low. With enough money, you can always buy pussy. But you can't never buy friends.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-30 03:59 ID:nQAZKw5h

OP, Number 10 here again!

I wanted to add although I have an account on reddit (since it is the most anonymous), I do not have any real world friends. In fact, a few weeks ago, I got into a bit of a problem with some prople, causing me to get banned from some reddits and the admins there did nothing to help me. For the longest time, I thought I was popular there and had some real followers, turns out that is not the case.

I fail at friends worse on the internet than I do in real life.

I have done google searches on my reddit ID and I find the worst of the worst postings there. I am half tempted to just delete the account (which has over 20000 karma) and hang it up and just stalk reddit instead, without posting.

Anyone, I am done ranting. Best of luck to you.

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