Finding enjoyment (10)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-29 20:27 ID:8gbgb1Vq

I'm sorry if I ask questions, I'm merely curious.
When you say you can’t tolerate how they react to the series, which way of reaction bothers you? Is it something they say about the series or is it something they say to you?

Why does it bother you if many people get together with one interest? Does it make you feel like your interest is nothing special because many have it too?

I understand when you say when you feel people are bumming down things which you could potentially enjoy because they do it too much.
It's a matter of tolerance, really. If you want to take part in communities still, you would just have to bear with the different kinds of people.
People hype everything. You just need to like what you like, and not let them get to you :)

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