Rapidly remaining as nothing (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-17 09:07 ID:AbGDOglu

I am unsure what I can do to myself at this point. My life for the past two and a half years has been not leaving my room other for food and being forced to appointments and I have essentially done nothing of interest during each of those days. I like being like this and don't really want anything more, but I just feel like nothing and knowing nothing will happen. I'm not even sure if anything should be done or if there's anything to do about it.

I have made numerous topics about this across the Internet when I feel like this, but it's nothing more than generic advice (get outside, start work/go back to school, take my medication, challenge your mind and learn something, know nothing's changing if I don't want it, continue as this) and I never follow up on it.

Not even sure the point of this thread.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-17 20:31 ID:kUxqL9Cm

What appointments are these that you're going to? How old are you, and would you consider moving elsewhere in order to force a drastic change?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-17 20:33 ID:wyNvyXMe

Then how bout you follow up on it?
Instead of saying tomorrow or sitting a date... (usually i tend to just push them back)... just get up and do it.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-18 05:05 ID:AbGDOglu

Mainly just useless therapy and psychiatrist appointments. I'm current 23, and I did go away for college and lives in off-site dorms, but I turned into a complete wreck.

There's nothing that I actually want, so there's really no reason do follow up on anything.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-18 14:25 ID:s3kOyj6r

Ok, you don't want anything but, if you want to live a long life of satisfaction you're at least going to have to work to achieve that, you know, get money so you can pursue hobbies like music and so on, I'm sure you have that kind of desire. Find a job, do whatever you need to finally have a job and then enjoy your spare time, you'll be happiest when retired.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-18 15:57 ID:ehVDrjd5

You obviously want something more out of life or else you wouldn't be here and other places talking about it. You are obviously getting a free ride since you do nothing at all... food getting put to your mouth, free housing, free internet, free entertainment... and when that ride of yours stop... you are eventually going to have to be more independent. Nothing is more rewarding then working for that dollar and spending it. So how bout you get your ass off that couch and go find a job.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-18 18:28 ID:I9x2/1wa

also you can really consider your laziness an addiction so you may think its fine but it'll eventually ruin your life. like maybe someone who is high all the time. only you stay in your room all the time. it's easy to do but its hard to get out of it. doing stuff is very hard but you only get one life. why would you spend it doing nothing?

8 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-19 17:33 ID:+Cl6li+8

Speaking as someone who used to live in complacency like this, I have to say that it only seemed fun until I actually went and did things. It's hard at first to adjust to all those things outside your comfort zone; but once you get used to it, doing stuff like exercising and meeting new people is quite invigorating. Now I find that the only reason I thought I enjoyed my old lifestyle was that I convinced myself through self-rationalization that this is what I wanted.

Really, though, we rarely ever know what's best for ourselves.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-19 19:42 ID:Jte9EgoZ

It's not the fact I don't want to do something, it's the fact I don't want anything at all; I'm just complete flat towards everything and never have any real emotion.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-19 21:00 ID:I9x2/1wa

right people are like mirrors if you surround them with nothing they will reflect nothing. you need to just find something to do even if it hurts and then slowly you will want to do more things

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