I'm 19, I live with my parents, I don't have at the moment but I'm looking.
I'm pretty helpful around the house however, I do the dishes, mow the lawn, clean the living room, take out the trash, weedeat ect.
I don't like to go anywhere unless its of utmost importance or I'm just tagging along with my parents because I realize that It would be wasting gas that they can't afford to waste.
I don't even ask them for money, I make all my money myself by fixing computers or sacrificing by selling stuff I don't want to sell to make money for something else I want or need. In fact whenever they need money I give them what little I have to help them out.
But I'm getting kicked out of the house.
I have a friend living here as well. He is 21, and in the same boat, no job, looking but no luck, getting 120 bucks from dshs every month, no car and no license
he gets a few foodstamps as well and while food helps, it doesn't pay bills or rent.
He is a little helpful, he doesn't do any housework but he'll weedeat every once in a while and he might find something useful to do is you drive him around all day to do it.
He doesn't seem to think of other in the sense that he will setup appointments and not even bother to ask my parents before hand if they are busy or if they even want to drive him around.
He claims that the 70 dollar a month cellphone bill he pays through his mom is too much so he decides to cancel it..... JUST ONE MONTH before his 2 year contract is up, so now he not only owes his mom 70 for that months bill but he also owes 150 for cancellation fees because he couldn't wait.
Not even having payed off any of what he owes he decides to sign up for sprint, getting 2 lines added, both with smartphones this making him pay for data charges, which was completely unnecessary, and after all that he is STILL paying 70, and thats until this deal ends in 6 months then he has to pay 120 a month.
SO no job, only 120 from dshs which a little is given to my parents for living expenses, owes 270 to his mom for being impatient, in a stupid moment gets another carrier that makes him pay the same amount then later more. But despite the fact that he cant even afford the monthly cellphone bill he decides to shop around for car insurance with no car and no license.
he is making stupid and irresponsible choices every day and they keep getting worse. And he even has a place to go if he got kicked out, and even though my grandma agrees its him, not me that should get the boot (for the reasons stated above)
Hes gets kept around because they claim hes a help around the house (what the hell did I just say earlier).
does it just sound to you like I'm bitching or do you think hes really just a big idiot?
Does it matter? If your parents are going to be that stupid, you're probably better off just moving out than dealing with their stupidity. Can you move in with your grandmother?
What most people do is they get a shared apartment with 2 or three people.
you are bitching, and he's an idiot.
It's totally ok for you to bitch, just don't forget that it won't help you get out of your current predicament.
Nevertheless, I'm sure it helped to write your post, so it was not a waste of time. Good luck to you!
get a better work by yourself.