A wise man once said that everyone has skeletons in their closet but is that really true? Its no surprise that the human race aint perfect and everyday we live our lives is a constant battle.. did u know that Bill Gates even gets depressed? Its true and I often wonder if so many of us are unhappy because so many of us live in an world of regret... This is not a trool I wrote the thread "death brings out skeletons" which is a very personal and very haunting story about my past life and the things Ive done and the lessons Im learning now as an adult.. they always say the past is the past and we should let it go but is it really tht easy? Dnt be afraid to open up and share ur opinions thats what this is ment for and if u read my story it might make it easier for those who are afraid to share there past
Any japanese here?
anyone japanese here?