Politics & You (64)

1 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-27 21:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

It is easy to talk about politics, just like it is easy to talk about everything. Words make sense or they don't, that's a matter of the whole fucking discourse.

But do you ever transform your words or other people's words into actions? Apart from words, apart from talking about the war in Iraq, the horrible social circumstances in your country, the Middle East, (ry... what do you actually DO with your political knowledge, your political convictions and theories? Do you do anything at all? Or is politics just a matter of talking to you?


61 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/08(Tue)22:07 ID:Heaven


sage has different implications on futaba-style and 2ch-style boards. On futaba-style boards where you have a low bump limit, sage is often used to show displeasure with the picture, since each sage will bring the picture closer to the bump limit. On a 2ch-style message board where the bump limit is much larger, or not existant at all, sage is used out of politeness, so as not to bump a thread if you don't think your reply is interesting enough to warrant the attention of everyone reading the board.

62 Name: Citizen 05/02/09(Wed)00:39 ID:T6i8kZxm


oh, ok. thank you.

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