Ann Coulter (63)

8 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 04/12/12(Sun)08:43 ID:J12Z1XBN [Del]

And why would Canada want to do that? What's with this global penis-waving anyway? Why does a country have to stand out?

And my somewhat-uninformed opinion is that Coulter is an idiot not worth listening to. She adds nothing to the discourse except a near-clinical case of dissembling and outright bullshit. There are far better and more informative conservative writers out there, but nobody listens to them because rational discussion and conceptual groundwork isn't as interesting to the general public as the next crazy claim of the day.

I say "somewhat-uninformed" since I've never read a book of hers from cover to cover. However, I've read a large number of excerpts and can safely say it's brain-rotting.

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