Paramedics challenge judge's opinion over Kelly's death (4)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 04/12/13(Mon)13:30 ID:kEXgD4C3 [Del]
"Two paramedics called to the apparent suicide of British weapons scientist David Kelly last year have severe doubts about the official verdict that he killed himself."
"At the time of his death, Dr Kelly was at the centre of a storm over whether Mr Blair and his Government deliberately exaggerated the case for going to war with Iraq."

<South Park>"Oh my God, they killed Kelly!"</South Park>

2 Name: Citizen 04/12/13(Mon)15:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

That wouldn't suprise me if they were going back to "the old skool" methods of just assasinating anyone that would become a "threat". Hey, from what I hear the American Government does it all the time.

... and then people wonder why they have a truckload of Conspiracy Theorists and other applicaable propoganda.

3 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 04/12/13(Mon)17:58 ID:RgOsjdcJ [Del]

What's interesting is that this news item is nowhere in the front page on any of the online news services I checked.
"Put this on the front page and tomorrow you'll get dioxin in your soup, bud..." :)

4 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 04/12/14(Tue)04:14 ID:UghYZ0EI [Del]

>Hey, from what I hear the American Government does it all the time.

...What? Come on, no Tinfoil Hat Brigade stuff here, please.

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