Political Freedom? (28)

23 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 05/02/08(Tue)07:52 ID:n0fLp8SP

>>"On important issues, the people are called to a vote by means of referenda"
>correct me if i'm wrong, but i think this holds true in russia, israel, and america also

At the state level, yes. They're called "propositions." However, there's no equivalent at the federal level except for the ol' "vote the bum out." Should there be? I'm undecided...

>how can someone who works 40+ hours a week and has 2 kids and a marriage and occasionally enjoys hobbies other than politics be expected to be an informed voter? i can't imagine it.

Precisely the case for representational democracy. I let a mechanic fix my car, a plumber fix my plumbing, and a politician fix my law. If I am dissatisfied with my car, plumbing or law's performance, I will choose a new specialist the next time.

bubu: Care to share which nation you are emigrating from, and which you are immigrating to?

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