Realtime Iraq War Cost Counter (6)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/29(Sat)21:29 ID:099gjYD3
Right now it's... $152,278,833,803

2 Name: Citizen 05/01/30(Sun)06:53 ID:Heaven

I read somewhere a long time ago that, if organisations and governments worked together, to remove the world COMPLETELY from famine and poverty, would cost:

$5 billion. That would remove famine from just about everywhere, if used over a period of time. However, thanks to stupid governments, that wont be happening anytime soon.

3 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 05/01/30(Sun)09:41 ID:xqenT8HV

Worth every fucking penny.

4 Name: Citizen 05/01/30(Sun)09:56 ID:Heaven

5 Name: Citizen 05/02/01(Tue)05:51 ID:GVqS1YUm

fuck you. it ain't worth every penny. not against thousands of dead iraqis.

6 Name: Citizen 05/02/01(Tue)23:35 ID:Heaven


Famine isn't even that much of a problem these days as it was a few decades ago. The numbers of actually starving people on earth have continously been decreasing in the last years.

The real problem these days are those who are hungry for power, not food.

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