Interceptor Missile Fails to Launch in Test (89)

34 Name: Citizen 05/02/26(Sat)02:09 ID:TzNPCwxc

Yes. Evil. Evil is real and has always existed. When we confront it and do not back down from it, we can halt its advance, perhaps even push it back a little sometimes, though evil never dies.

Stalin alone killed thirty million Ukrainians. In all the lands under Soviet occupation, there was not one family left whole, not one family left intact, from the Elbe to the Pacific, from the Arctic Circle to the Himalayas. His successors were no more humanitarian than he was. Relatives of mine died in the Soviet extermination camps at Kolyma and Uglegorsk.

What is your solution to this scenario?

Soviet ambassador: "Surrender or we destroy the world." You can answer "yes" or "no." Choose one.

I cannot see any rational way to defend any answer other than "no," either "No, we're calling your bluff," or "No, we choose to die on our feet rather than on our knees."

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