Starbucks coffee at Gitmo (4)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-03-30 14:26 ID:bj3zZcjl
Among other critical national concerns such as health care and Social Security reform is the matter of what the 9,500 non-detainees living and working at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba do for fun. Many U.S. officers live in housing crawling with rodents known as "banana rats," and enlisted personnel reside in dreary, windowless trailers. But the good news is that the parched, desolate base has seen an increase in parties and sold-out rock concerts to accommodate its surging non-detainee population. Plus, a miniature golf course will soon feature obstacles including replicas of guard towers and banana rats. The real hit, however, is the Starbucks coffee now sold at four kiosks around the base. "Oddly enough it did lift my morale," said one petty officer. "It reminds me of home."

2 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!muklVGqN 2005-03-31 02:59 ID:Heaven

When the non-non-detainees hear about any kind of gruesome violence in society in the future, they will also feel oddly reminded of home. <- the best troll I could come up with

3 Name: Citizen 2005-03-31 03:50 ID:Heaven

Yeah, this is kind of [BAKANEWS]

4 Name: mira 2005-04-01 06:53 ID:Heaven

There's an article on Guantanamo Bay in the most recent National Geographic.

I just thought I'd share.

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