Berlusconi Resigns (5)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-04-20 20:54 ID:AL2BMe66
The political turmoil was triggered by a crushing defeat in the April 3-4 regional elections. Berlusconi's popularity has fallen amid sluggish economic growth and Italy's unpopular military mission in Iraq.

[] Berlusconi, a media mogul-turned-politician, passed about $8.6 billion in tax cuts late last year, but the plan almost tore apart his coalition. Many allies insisted the cuts should have been postponed until 2006, saying Italy's huge debt would not allow for them sooner.

2 Name: Citizen 2005-04-21 00:30 ID:Heaven

So long, proto-fascist.

3 Name: Citizen 2005-04-21 00:36 ID:Heaven

It's just a tactical move to form a new government with a different coalition, which he couldn't do without formally resigning. It's a purely formal matter and will probably be of no consequence at all.

4 Name: Citizen 2005-04-21 23:13 ID:fpC16xBz


more like post-fascist amirite?

5 Name: PotatoSamurai!/sly9iFJgg 2005-04-22 02:18 ID:rGGCCQLK

"Given the stability of Italy's government, this young Neapolitan boy will have a 56% chance of serving as prime minister sometime during his life."
-America, the Book

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