Parents concerned over kids wearing Green Polo shirts (15)

1 Name: Citizen 2005-07-03 06:52 ID:0wmEnKrP

Greenlighters are an emerging underground movement of sexually promiscuous teenagers, including bisexual, homosexual, and heterosexual members. Members of this movement wear a green polo shirt with the collar up, indicating that they are open to pretty much any sexual adventure ... Some parent groups are starting to get involved - urging parents to go through their kids clothes and confiscate green shirts and polos.

2 Name: Citizen 2005-07-03 08:46 ID:Heaven


About time, I'd say!

キタ━━━( ゚∀゚ )━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(゚  )━(∀゚ )━( ゚∀゚ )━━━!!!!

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-07-03 11:58 ID:uX+sGRco

> Some parent groups are starting to get involved - urging parents to go through their kids clothes and confiscate green shirts and polos.

Wow, these people sure know how to deal with teenagers!

4 Name: Citizen 2005-08-05 16:15 ID:Rn20TGhN

This sounds like 'jelly-roll bracalets' - the last big parent scare. Yawn. Life is really cyclical, yes?

How long did the 'rainbow party' Oprah scare last?

5 Name: Citizen 2005-08-23 01:13 ID:rl55Gz6v

Gotta get me a green polo.

6 Name: Citizen 2005-08-29 15:57 ID:k8jwABkg

When I first read an article about this, my mom came home having bought me a --- guess what --- green polo. I still haven't gotten laid.

7 Name: sage 2005-11-01 14:26 ID:Heaven

...cause taking away the green shirts will stop their promiscuity since having green polo shirts is what causes teenage sex.

8 Name: Citizen 2005-11-13 22:41 ID:Heaven

I nominate "Oprah scare" as the new official terminology for this phenomenon. An Oprah scare shall be defined as a moral panic confined largely to suburban American housewives.

9 Name: Citizen 2005-11-29 23:46 ID:kAfrX8Eq

Nomination Seconded!

10 Name: Citizen 2005-11-30 02:52 ID:Heaven


11 Name: Citizen 2005-11-30 11:58 ID:VXMNuIBZ

Someone contact Webster over this, wholeheartedly fourthed!

12 Name: Citizen 2005-12-01 23:30 ID:guheDhGn

Well this explains a lot...

13 Name: Citizen 2005-12-02 08:34 ID:kAfrX8Eq


Do tell. What does this explain?

14 Name: Citizen 2005-12-04 23:19 ID:EqKEu4V8

Maybe those teenagers are getting laid because their parents remove their clothes?

15 Name: Citizen 2005-12-06 02:54 ID:QAvIRGPw

They are getting laid by their parents.

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