22 September 2005: Buy No Gas Day (8)

1 Name: 2005-09-11 12:31 ID:Heaven

Interestingly, I've only heard this from word of mouth. On Thursday the 22nd of September 2005, motorists have created a day where they have decided not to fill up their cars, in a protest to oil companies who are becoming right idiots at the moment and jacking up prices through the roof.

How about we cause a big messy stink about it ourselves, people of 4-ch: Don't buy any gas for your car or any other petrochemicals. Screw the oil companies, give us back lower fuel prices. We're sick of paying too much.

2 Name: Citizen 2005-09-11 12:35 ID:Gy+TcA20

Way ahead of you - I don't even own a car!

3 Name: Sakurina!hb3hogbZLc 2005-09-11 13:05 ID:Heaven

Way ahead of you - I'm not old enough to drive!

4 Name: Jedi_Vader20!KxPtEJqYRA!!JGEbj+wR 2005-09-11 13:39 ID:Heaven

Cool as this would be, I don't have a car.

Not that I like snopes very much, but it says that it's pretty much false. http://www.snopes.com/politics/gasoline/nogas.asp

5 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-11 13:48 ID:73iKN1xz

I go everywhere by foot.

No car, no bus, no tram... nothing.

6 Name: Citizen 2005-09-11 16:07 ID:nXCPFPGW


What's the point when everybody will be back the 23rd to fill'er up?

I assume, since you don't mention it, that this is for the US. Just a reminder: gas in the US is still vastly cheaper than the rest of the Western world.

7 Name: Citizen 2005-09-11 16:13 ID:nXCPFPGW

How about a lose hummers and suv's day?

8 Name: 2005-09-12 09:51 ID:Heaven

Damn. I'm out then :(

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