Communism... Why did it fail? (113)

11 Name: Citizen 2005-10-31 10:16 ID:loj6HHMP


... So do you even understand that capitalism and communism are economic systems, not political? Or that there's a difference between them?

There has never been a proper communist economy; the closest was the Soviet Union, before it became evident that communism just wasn't working. It didn't produce universal prosperity, or even universal adequacy, as was the intent; it just produced universal, lockstep, egalitarian poverty.

Communism failed, and will always fail, because it has no incentive for personal achievement; someone living in a communist economy, no matter how well-planned, will never experience the direct reward for hard work, ingenuity, or just plain dumb luck that capitalism provides. Free market, unplanned, capitalist economies generate wealth, prosperity, and opportunity; yes, there's some problems, but no system is perfect. Just that letting the market take care of itself works far better than anything else we've come up with.

Just ask Singapore.

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