Intellectual Property and Copyright Reform (63)

43 Name: Citizen 2005-11-09 04:04 ID:4KTGjOH4


* How many fan-made films do you see that rival Lord of the Rings? Or even Joe's Shitty Summer Film?

Alright, so we have copyright for films. Makes sense, films need a lot of effort.

* How many independent games do you see that rival the glitz of modern games?

Glitz sucks. I would happily do away with copyright in that area; we'd still have IF and Cave Story.

* How about OSX? Linux you say? Linux has zero polish. Or compare Photoshop with Gimp.

Polish can head on back to Poland.

* How about giant magnetoresistive heads? Or copper on silicon? I'll bet if nobody was paying scientists we'd be way ahead now!

You can't prove that science requires copyright. On the other hand, I can prove it doesn't: Einstein wasn't working for Nuclear Corp. when he came up with general relativity, and most professors work at universities anyway.

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